Friday, September 26, 2008

Branson, here we come!

I am very excited about our family vacation to Branson this weekend! Mom, Dad, Lauren, Rich and the munchkins have headed out today and Jeremy and I will be meeting them there tomorrow. We've reserved a fully furnished town home with three bedrooms and a kitchen so we can be together the whole time!

This is the first vacation we've all taken together since Livvie and Jack have come along. With Liv's food allergies, it's almost impossible for her to eat out. So this is the perfect way for them to experience a getaway but still be able to fix meals at home to ensure her safety.

The agenda is pretty much up in the air. The only place I have on my "MUST VISIT" list is Lamberts. We will be too close not to take advantage of the complete pig-out session they offer. :) They're known for their "throwed rolls," but I don't really care for bread, so I'm in it for the all-you-can-eat helpings of fried potatoes, fried okra and black-eyed peas. Mmm Mmm Mmm!

We're setting out first thing in the morning when Jeremy gets off work, so you can be sure I'll be driving. I'm actually looking forward to it, because that means I get to choose the music! *hehe* I have a limited number of playlists on my iPOD that he can tolerate...and his music choices don't float my musical boat either. (He likes country and Phil Collins. *rolls eyes*) When HE'S driving, it's crucial that we listen to music he knows and enjoys, otherwise we run the risk of him becoming drowsy. Well, tomorrow the goal will be to help him sleep, so I've got my broadway musical soundtracks cued and ready to go! ;) Oh, and my new music I found through Genius! That will be perfect. He'll sleep the whole way there! *haha*

We'll be back late Tuesday night. I'm sure I'll have lot's of fun photos and stories to share by next weekend! :)

1 comment:

a chick named Toni... said...

I hope you guys have a great time and a safe trip there and back home! Can't wait to see your pictures!