Friday, March 13, 2009

Bad news...

I hate to tell you this...but you're going to be seeing less of me here in blogland (and Facebook too, I'm sure). 


*happy dance*

Can you believe it?? Just last Friday I hadn't even thought of applying anywhere, and here I am one week later, completely employed! *haha* When it's meant to be, it's meant to be!

The "2nd Interview" really wasn't an interview at all. Some of you had already guessed it, they were just having me come back to offer me the job. Ann (the vet tech) showed me around the hospital, back in the surgery room and boarding area and all that. Then Becky (the office manager) talked to me about the front lobby area. Before long I noticed she was using phrases like, "This is your domain" and "you will be responsible for" instead of "you would..." I started to think, "Wait! So I've got the job?"

Eventually Dr. Olson (the vet) sat down with me in his office and asked if I had anymore questions, told me the starting wage and offered me the job. I said absolutely YES.  It was so funny, Becky then pulled out this little training binder and it already had my name on the front of it. She said, "Well lookie here! We just happen to have this training manual with YOUR NAME on it!" Dr. Olson said, "Yeah! What are the odds that the last gal in this position had the same name? What a coincidence!" *wink wink* They're just the nicest people. I already feel comfortable joking around with them.  

Becky is going to be training me "for as long as it takes." She said she wanted to make sure I feel absolutely comfortable with everything before I'd ever be "on my own." That makes me soooo happy. *haha* There's a lot of new information to absorb and I'm just thrilled to know that there isn't any pressure on me to figure everything out all by myself within a set time limit. It's really the perfect setup for me.

You know, as I was driving home I reflected a little bit about these past 5 months. It's been a difficult period for me, starting out feeling so betrayed and dumped on my head. But I decided early on that it had happened for a reason...that God had moved me from my comfort zone and was ready to grow me and stretch me in new ways. Well, as always happens when He takes any amount of time to do something, I started to doubt. I began feeling useless, wondering if I'd ever find a place where I felt like I fit so well again. I spent so much time in prayer about it...crying out to God, asking Him WHY He shook up my world, only to leave me sitting here all this time. It was one thing to have the floor knocked out from under me for a reason. But just being "unemployed" didn't seem like a very good lesson.

Then I moved into "what the heck, I'll just settle," and started to apply for jobs I really didn't care about. I even applied for a job as the person that balances the stock between Red Box machines at McDonald's. (How exciting would THAT job have been? *haha*) "It's better than nothing," I thought. But really, I think I was losing faith that there was anything better coming. Then I would get angry when those jobs never worked out. Now looking back, I know God had something better in store for me. 

And now here it is: the whole package I've been praying for the whole time, the "impossible dream," so to speak, dropped right in my lap. Evenings and Sundays off, warm, friendly coworkers with the same values I hold dear, the opportunity to be around animals, a non-intimidating atmosphere in which to learn new skills and better pay than what I would have made starting at any retail job. Even when I think of how applying for it came about, I can see God's hand. I saw the other reception positions online over the weekend so I began tweaking my resume to show that I had the right qualifications for a clerical job. Those other jobs clearly didn't work out (either I haven't heard back from them or they gave me evil math tests *haha*) but then on Tuesday the ad for this job showed up and, well what do ya know? I already had a resume prepared for it! Just like that! Truly a blessing, in every way I look at it. God is good. :)


Cheerful Homemaker said...

Congratulations on your new job! I would love to have a job like that rather than one in a retail environment.

Monica said...

So happy for you. God IS good. I am the same way, whenever I begin to doubt, I always walk away saying, "how could I have doubted You, Lord." I'm very happy about your "bad" news, Sarah, teehee. Way to go, girl!!!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I could just tell from the first post that you were going to get it :) I am so happy that your coworkers are so warm and inviting.

Everything happens for a reason, right? :)

Ginny said...

Wohoo! I'm doing a happy dance right along side you :) God IS good, and He loves taking care of us, even when it's not the way WE think things will happen :)

me, yes, me said...

congrats, sarah. i'm so happy about your 'bad news.' keep us posted on how it goes! i can't wait to hear. what a great way to start your weekend!

Dancing Sweet Pea said...

Congrats Sarah! How exciting!!!!!! I'm so happy for you! Good things come to those who wait! :)

Kimpossible said...

YEAH!!!! Im so happy for you!!! I knew all along that you would get it I could just feel it.

Hey, if you think about it say hello to everyone for me at Scrappy!! Im working tonight and Dylan has a Regional BB tournament on Sat. for Special Olympics, so I cant go this year.

Again Congrats Sarah!!!! Im happy for you!!!

Mrs. Jelly Belly said...

Congratulations - I just KNEW you were going to get that job! And 50% off vet services when you have 3 dogs? That is really going to add up fast. Awesome!

Unknown said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! You totally deserve it, girl.

Michelle said...

Wow - what a good time for me to read your blog! God works in such mysterious and sometimes difficult ways! I'm happy for you and your new job! What a great fit!
(P.S. just FYI - I'm Monica's sister and a friend of Lauren's)

Anonymous said...

congrats. I love animals.

Michelle said...

I already said it but now I actually got to READ about it so congratulations again! This sounds like the perfect fit for you and they are going to LOVE you!!!

Ashley said...

Yay!!!!!! How exciting! And it sounds like the PERFECT job for you too - congrats!

heathermarie said...

Im a little behind but congrats on the job! that is so exciting