Saturday, March 28, 2009

Backordered Blizzard

Hello everyone! I don't know what the weather is doing where you live, but here in Kansas we're experiencing a full out spring snowstorm! It's a little nuts. This is the weather I was asking for at Christmas.'s a little late! *hehe* It started yesterday with ice and sleet and by the evening, you should have seen the snow! I've never seen such big fluffy snowflakes. I don't think it snowed as much overnight as they'd originally predicted it would, but it's snowing right now so we'll see what happens. I did wake up to find that the ice had trimmed a tree in our backyard for us.

*UPDATE* I've added photos! 

MoJo & Wrigley can't believe their eyes!

This is our backyard...see the branches on the ground?

I LOVE icicles!

The view from our front door

There are few things in life that I love more than watching dogs romp in the snow. Their excitement is invigorating. Of course, two of my dogs love it more than the third.
Cubby, trying to get something started with MoJo.

Playing chase

MoJo may be our "arctic breed," but I think Cubby loves the snow the most.

I love this one - looks like he's about to blow away in a gust of snow!

Exploring the winter wonderland

Wrigley joined in for as long as he could stand the cold

Time to come inside!

Covered in snow!

So yesterday was pretty slow at work. Once people saw what the weather was doing, we began to get cancellations. For the last couple of hours I sat at my desk trying to come up with busy work, but mostly my eyes were on the increasing ice buildup outside. After our final client came to pick up his dog we'd been boarding, I started to close up shop. Dr. Olson came up front and took my ice scraper from the counter (which I'd rescued from my car earlier in the day, so it wouldn't get frozen inside!) I figured he was just borrowing it for his own car...but later I looked outside and he was scraping my car windows! I thought that was incredibly nice. Especially when I contrast it with the attitude my former employer had. I can't imagine him ever doing such a thing. 

I'm still loving my job! Every day I become a little more confident in the tasks I'm responsible for. I enjoy talking to the people and cooing over the animals. And I actually really like the data-entry and paperwork aspects of the position. Initially I thought it might get boring, but I actually find it rather calming. The only tough part is remembering all of the steps involved in a particular task. I've been comparing it to choreography. This then this then THAT then this then THOSE then that then THIS....and again! *haha* But it's fun.

And working with animals, every day is a little adventure. For example, yesterday I got to help move the biggest dog I think I've ever seen. She was almost 120 pounds (which wouldn't be that bad on a dog with a larger frame, but she had fairly short legs. I think she was as wide as she was tall.) and needed x-rays on her failing legs.  Originally we were going to coax her down the hall, but she was already groggy when we went to get her from her run. She wouldn't budge. So Anne and I had to physically haul her, using a blanket to pick up her back half. It was pretty funny. And later, when the dog was out cold, we needed to move her back onto a stretcher. That was actually harder...she seemed heavier as dead weight! At one point, Anne actually CAUGHT the dog as she was rolling off the table - all 118lbs of her! It scared us all half to death, but Anne's super strong! As my coworkers have all told me, Who says you need to go to the gym to get a workout? ;) 

Well I'm going to go enjoy my day off. The weather outside my be frightful, but I'm going to enjoy the day INSIDE as much as possible. I've got TV shows I need to catch up on before my DVR explodes and I might even wander into my scrapbook room later. *gasp* And at some point this weekend, I get to spend time with my wonderful family to celebrate my Birthday (which is Monday! Oowah oowah!) Hope all of you have a fun and blessed Saturday! Thanks for checking in on me. :)


Camevil said...

Oh man, that's a wicked spring snow! But my hubby and I were looking at the goggie pictures and lol'ing. (he came up behind me to go to another room and was drawn to the cute dogs). I love to see a dog's enthusiasm for snow, rain and crappy things that we as humans abhor.

Uh oh, those icicles look dangerous!

Unknown said...

They look adorable :) Our poms love the snow too, but it's just rain here. It's been raining for a week straight now. Blahhhh.

Heather Rose said...

I love the after photos. Pups covered in snow. Priceless.

Cheerful Homemaker said...

My mom said KC news the other day was saying Dodge City, ks was supposed to get like, 12" of snow! We've had a little bit of rain today, but that's it. How exciting that your dogs like the snow! Ours are allergic... ;)

Kari@Onederland said...

Just wanted to say congrats on getting the job. Can't remember if I said it before. It sounds like a wonderful job to have!! How nice of Dr. Olson to scrape your windows. I'm a guessin' you are fitting in just fine there!
Love the pictures of your dogs playing in the snow. Can't wait for the day we have a big back yard for our dog to run around in. She HATES our tiny little yard. lol.
Hope you enjoyed your time inside!