Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Who says cheaters never prosper?

Initially when I read about the 20 Layouts for 20 Bucks deal over at 2P's, I thought it would be great motivation to get 20 layouts done. And it was, for a little while. But I think it was less about the motivation and more about the creative spurt I was in. Because this week (the last week before the deadline) I am NOT feelin' it at all. In fact, I feel the opposite of creative for some reason. Maybe it's a little bit of cabin fever setting in? But I just HAVE NOT felt like scrapbooking.

And this was panic-inducing, once I saw what 2P's is selling now! Does this stuff look familiar at all? Well it should, I was raving about it only about a week ago. So it was imperative for me to finish getting 20 projects uploaded to the 2P's gallery ASAP so I can order this stuff guilt-free!

So I cheated. I pulled out my camping book and used a couple of those layouts. *haha* Be ashamed of me if you feel you must, but I didn't really break any rules. They just said they wanted people to upload "new" projects to the gallery. And these ARE the gallery. :) Ha! Mama didn't raise no foo. 

Just so you don't feel left out, here are the pages. Some of you may have already seen them, but I'm sorry. This is all ya get today. :)


Ashley said...

Your blog is so cute!!!

When you get a chance, check us out at

a chick named Toni... said...

You are so didn't really cheat! Hee hee! I love these pages! Might have to copy your layouts in my own book!