Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Like I need something else to occupy my time.

When I began reading the Twilight series, I did it a little begrudgingly. As I mentioned, I was talked into reading the books by my sister who, like me, never really reads anything. I thought, ok I'll try the first one and see where this goes. Well the whole thing avalanched into me devouring the whole "saga." No, I didn't read it as quickly as some others have (Anne read the whole series in a couple of weeks, Lauren read them all in ONE), but for me, reading four books in a row was quite an accomplishment.

I hadn't anticipated the feeling I'd have afterwards. My lunch breaks? Boring. My evenings in front of the TV? Unfulfilling. Stupidly, it took me a while to figure out what was missing. It wasn't until I discussed it with Anne and found out she was feeling this same void that we realized our problem - gosh darnit, we MISSED READING! How on earth did this happen?!?!?

So logically, I ran out and picked up Stephenie Meyer's newest book, "The Host" even though it had nothing to to with Twilight. It's a kinder, gentler, romantic take on the "Invasion of the Body Snatcher's" theme. Sounds weird, I know.
It took me a little longer to get into than Twilight did, but once it hooked me, I loved it! The characters are infatuating. The story is intense, full of heartbreak and longing and anger and fear and drama, OH the drama. :) I couldn't put it down. I spent my entire Sunday afternoon ignoring the real-life responsibilities and chores I should have been attending to.

But...but now...what do I do now?!? I don't have anything to READ!! And the sadness has returned. This is ridiculous, I DO NOT NEED another hobby!!! Seeing as how I already feel like my free time is always sucked into a tiny black hole never to be reclaimed. The last thing I really need is something else I want to do.

Ignoring that logic, I need advice. Recommendations. I know many of you are readers. What books or series or authors float your boat? Let me preface this request by saying that I have no desire to read another vampire series. Yes, I adore Twilight and all of the characters therein. But vampires in general are not something I'm drawn to. Beyond that, I don't really know WHAT I would like to read!? There are so many options out there, it's absolutely daunting. I'm thinking of reading this, since we're going to see the musical in October. I already kinda know the story just by listening to the soundtrack, but it would probably be fun to know more. Other than that, I'm clueless!!
(BTW - my one year anniversary of blogging came and went without me noticing!! August 10th. Happy Anniversary to me! *hehe*)


Cheerful Homemaker said...

I'm told that Wicked the book and Wicked the musical are quite different. That said, I enjoyed reading Wicked. I love to read and used to do it constantly. Now I have other things I want to do, but I try to always read on my lunch hour. I really like Jodi Picoult's books. I refuse to read any more of Nicholas Sparks' books. You can get book lists online. Random House has a good one. I got it once and started reading through them.

a chick named Toni... said...

I can't help you there chickie. I like to read but more on the spiritual level than novels.

You should check out Borders. Just find a section you like and sit in the isle and check stuff out! I love to do that with a good cup of Joe!

Camevil said...

OMG, you got the bug too? I've tried to avoid it, but even the 30 something chicks are apparently not immune. This reminds me of Anne Rice and how fanatical I was about all of her vampire books.

I just knew you were a reader!

Book pics?

Um, I'm into more dark stuff. I did read Cormac Mcarthy's The Road recently. Same author as No Country for Old Men. Excellent. Movie's coming out in a few weeks.

A good book about food that I read a few months ago was The Ethics of What We Eat. The authors cover 4 families who eat different diets and discusses their choices. It's actually pretty fascinating stuff.

Oh, and Happy Anniversary!!

Anonymous said...

I like to read. It seems like I get on a reading kick for a while then won't pick up a book for months. Mary Higgins Clark books are some of my favorites.

Tiffany said...

you HAVE to read the Sookie Stakhouse books by Charlaine Harris. I thought twilight was addicting and these are like crack meth and heroine rolled into one. plus there are 8 out so youll have reading for a while!

Michelle said...

There are so many different things I like to read that I'm not sure which direction to send you! Something I do though when looking for ideas is to look at the best seller list at B& to see what looks interesting to me. There's also that might help you narrow down the multitude of choices somewhat! OH! There is a good series of scrapbooking sister by Rebecca Seitz. The first one is called Sisters Ink and there are four books in the series. They're a nice light read.

Ginny said...

Well one of my all time favorite books is Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers (I have it if you ever want to borrow it). It's (a novel) loosely based off of the story of Hosea in the Bible (GREAT love story!!). I've been told by my sister in law (who also loved Twilight), that the Stephanie Plum Novels are really good (there are like 15 short/easy read books). But those are on my list of things to read, so I can't personally recommend them :)